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【almond leaf for betta】ECB has not sought access to Panama Papers

时间:2024-09-29 12:31:41 出处:Exploration阅读(143)

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Thealmond leaf for betta European Central Bank has not sought access to the Panama Papers, a massive leak of offshore financial data that became public last month, because tax evasion and money laundering are not part of its mandate, the ECB's chief supervisor said on Monday.

"The ECB has not sought access to the...'Panama Papers'," Nouy said in a letter responding to a member of the European Parliament.

【almond leaf for betta】ECB has not sought access to Panama Papers

"The ECB is, nevertheless, committed to cooperating with national competent authorities in monitoring developments closely and taking action where appropriate."

【almond leaf for betta】ECB has not sought access to Panama Papers

One of the banks mentioned in the leaked documents, Cyprus's RCB Bank, formerly known as Russian Commercial Bank, is directly supervised by the ECB.

【almond leaf for betta】ECB has not sought access to Panama Papers

(Reporting By Francesco Canepa)

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